@article{oai:ynu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000888, author = {関戸, 英紀}, journal = {横浜国立大学教育紀要}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究では,質問に対してエコラリアで応じるCA12歳5ヵ月の自閉症男児に対する言語指導について報告する。対象児は,「買い物・トーストづくり」ルーティンの文脈を用いて,五つの型の質問に対する適切な応答的発話の習得を目的とした指導を受けた。「買い物・トーストづくり」ルーティンは,"導入","買ってくる物を決める","買い物をする","トーストを作る","トーストを食べる"の五つの場面から構成された。対象児のほかに,3名の精神遅滞児と1名の指導者がこのルーティンに参加した。その結果から,次のことが検討された。1)ルーティンのスクリプトの理解が深まるにつれて,言語の理解と表出が促進された。2)対象児は,標的行動とした五つの応答的発話のうち三つを獲得することができた。この結果から,応答的発話に困難を示す自閉症児に,共同行為ルーティンの文脈を用いた言語指導を行うことによって,質問に対して適切に応答できるようになると考えられた。3)質問に対してエコラリアを示す自閉症児の適切な応答的発話の習得過程は,最初にエコラリアが消失し,その後誤答をへて,正答が表出されるようになる可能性が示唆された。4)What型,Which型,(Where型),Who型,Whose型,およびHow型の質問に対する応答的発話の習得の順序性に関しては,自閉症児と健常児は同様であると考えられた。, This study reports a language intervention with a 12-year-old boy with autism who responded to almost types of questions in echolalia. He was taught appropriate responses to five types of questions in the context of a joint action routine: shopping and making toast. Shopping and toast-making consisted of five situations: explaining the routine, deciding something to buy, shopping, making the toast, and eating the toast. In addition to the subject, 3 pupils with mental retardation and a therapist participated in the routine. The results were as follows: 1) According to increasing his understanding of script of the routine, his understanding and expression of language were promoted. 2) He acquired 3 to 5 targeted responses to questions. As a result, a child with autism who had difficulty in responding to questions could appropriately respond to several types of questions by a language intervention using the context of a joint action routine. 3) The process of acquisition of appropriate responses to questions in a child with autism who responded to questions in echolalia was suggested that first echolalic responses disappeared, secondly wrong answers appeared, and correct answers were expressed lastly. 4) As to order of acquisition of appropriate responses to questions of the type such as "What…?", "Which…?", ("Where…?"), "Who…?", "Whose…?", and "How…?", a child with autism was similar to a normal child.}, pages = {235--247}, title = {応答的発話に困難を示す自閉症児に対する共同行為ルーティンによる言語指導}, volume = {36}, year = {1996} }