@article{oai:ynu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000076, author = {井上, 果子 and 宮戸, 美樹 and 宮武, 朗子 and 馬場, 謙一}, journal = {横浜国立大学教育人間科学部紀要. I, 教育科学}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, Japanese teachers face multiple role in their school environment, that lead to lack of time to attend the pupils needs. The purpose of this study is to dissect the situations which they are in. Questionnaire were conducted to 2070 junior high school teachers working at public schools of Kanagawa prefecture. Principal component analysis dessects 19 aspects in the teaching environment, which are grouped into 6 scale groups; dealing with pupils, dealing with colleague teachers, private situation, detection of bullying, professional satisfaction and school influence.}, pages = {1--20}, title = {生徒や教師環境に対する教師の認識}, volume = {1}, year = {1998} }