@article{oai:ynu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007030, author = {Golchin, Akbar and Mohammadzadeh, Hossein}, issue = {1}, journal = {Yokohama Mathematical Journal = 横濱市立大學紀要. D部門, 数学}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, Valdis Laan in (On a generalization of strong flatness, Acta Comment. Univ. Tartuensis 2 (1998), 55-60.) introduced Condition $(E^{¥prime})$ , a generalization of Condition $(E)$ . In this paper we continue the investigation of Condition $(E^{¥prime})$ and give a classification of monoids by comparing this condition of their acts with other properties. We give also a classification of monoids for which all (monocyclic, cyclic) right acts satisfy Condition $(E^{¥prime})$ and in particular for idempotent monoids and monoids $S$ with $E(S)=¥{1¥}$ . A classification of monoids over which all monocyclic right acts are weakly pullback at will be given too.}, pages = {79--88}, title = {ON HOMOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF MONOIDS BY CONDITION (E’) OF RIGHT ACTS}, volume = {54}, year = {2007} }