@article{oai:ynu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000691, author = {小林, 芳文 and 石川, 郁子 and 真子, 直子}, journal = {横浜国立大学教育紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, The practice of early childhood intervention program for Down's syndrome children started in the early 1970's. However, there is no general agreement in regard to the efficacy of the program for the Down's syndrome children. This study aimed at promoting not only sensori motor developments but also their total developments through movement education therapy in an emphasis on neuro-psychological approaches. The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of the effects of the one-year intervention program for developmental changes of Down's syndrome children. Two Down's syndorome infants whose age ranged from 5 to 6 months old and a nonretarded infant of the same age were selected for this study. Two hour training sessions were conducted once or twice a month in the playroom of a school. Their parents were instructed during the session how to practice the program and to train their children by using it at home. The author delineated the following findings: (1) A few primitive reflexes in the case of Down's syndrome infants were observed even at the age of 6 months old. This finding indicated that Down's syndrome children are developmentally disfunctioned in light of the neurological system in its origin. (2) A Down's syndrome infant (Subject A) having no remarkable delay in mobility of 6 months old infants showed a significant discrepancy in creeping abilities in the later phase of 9 months old. This finding suggests that locomotive skill plays an important role of the mobility development in children at large. (3) Presently, the subjects are 14 months old. The Down's syndrome children show a slow development in locomotive abilities; however, good movement skills of hands are identified in these subjects who have been in the 10-month intervention program.}, pages = {253--269}, title = {ムーブメント教育療法によるDown症乳児の早期指導}, volume = {25}, year = {1985} }