@article{oai:ynu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005297, author = {原田, 洋 and 青木, 淳一}, issue = {1}, journal = {横浜国立大学環境科学研究センター紀要 = Bulletin of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Yokohama National University}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, For the purpose of sand breaking some grasses and young trees were planted on sand beach of the Shonan area in Kanagawa Prefecture. The species number of oribatid mites in sand and litter decreased gradually toward the sea(G→A). Density of the mites did not show, however, a gradual change, but density in the plots of front line (A and B)with poor vegetation and soil was distinctly lower than in the remaining plots. A part of oribatid species in habiting pine forest (E~G) invaded into the sandbreak plantation (A~D)(Quadroppia quadiicarinata, Suctobelbella, spp., Oppiella nova, Archo-ppia arcualis, Ramusella chulmaniensis sengbuschi, Rhysotriria, arudua Scheloribates leavigatus, ets.). But, some ten species did not yet succeed to enter the plantation Tectospheus elegance, Nothrus biciliatus, Eohypochthonius crassisetiger, Microzetes auxiliaris, Hypochthoniella minutissima etc.). On the other hand, some species of different character increased in the plantation, though the y are searcely found in the pine forest(Oribatula sakamorii Oppia sp. 28, Oppia sp. 38, etc.).}, pages = {207--215}, title = {湘南海岸虹ヶ浜の砂防林試験植栽地のササラダニ群集}, volume = {13}, year = {1986} }