@article{oai:ynu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005293, author = {村上, 雄秀 and 宮脇, 昭}, issue = {1}, journal = {横浜国立大学環境科学研究センター紀要 = Bulletin of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Yokohama National University}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, application/pdf, In the forest margins a mantle community grows, composed of many climbing plants and broad-leaved shrubs. 13 associations and 8communities of mantle vegetation are recognized in central Honshu, and among these 18 vegetation units are classified into 3 alliances; Viti ficifoliae-Clematidion terniflorae, Clematido apiifoliae-Rubion palmati and Actinidio-Vition colgnetiae. The Viti ficifoliae-Clematidion terniflorae grows in sunny places in the coastal lowlands. The Clematido apiifoliae-Rubion palmati occurs in the semi-shaded forest margins in the lower mountains. The Actinidio-Vition coignetiae grows in true mountain areas (Fagetea crenatae region).Three different growth forms are recognized in species of the mantle communities, the Rubus-form(ex. Rubus palmatus var. coptophyllus, Kerria japonica), the erect form (ex. Deutzia crenata, Sambucus sieboldiana), and the climbing form (ex. Vitis cognetiae, Actinidia polygama). Both the Vitificifoliae-Clematidion terniflorae and the Actinidio-Vitioncoignetiae include communities with all three types of dominant growth form, and the growth form spectra of these communities are variable. On the other hand, the Clematido apiifoliae-Rubion palmati includes two types lacking the community dominated by the erect form, and the growth form spectra are constant.}, pages = {69--89}, title = {本州中部の林縁生低木群落}, volume = {13}, year = {1986} }