@article{oai:ynu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000249, author = {Ryo, Tamaki and Masashi, Suzuki and Satoshi, Kusaba and Jun, Takeda and Ikufumi, Katayama}, issue = {24}, journal = {Optics Express}, month = {Nov}, note = {In this study, ultrafast transient signals were detected on a single-shot basis using chirped-pulse up-conversion spectroscopy with dispersion compensation. Unlike in the conventional time-encoding technique using chirped pulses, distortion of the ultrafast waveform was reduced by applying dispersion compensation to the chirped probe pulses and using sum-frequency generation with the chirped readout pulses. The method was applied to terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and near-infrared pump–probe spectroscopy, providing ultrafast observations with an improved temporal resolution comparable to the transform-limited pulse durations. Terahertz waveforms, Kerr rotation signals, and phonon-polariton oscillations were measured accurately with no significant waveform distortion, thereby showing the proposed scheme to be promising for single-shot pump–probe spectroscopy in a wide range of spectroscopic applications.}, pages = {40142--40150}, title = {Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy via chirped-pulse up-conversion with dispersion compensation}, volume = {31}, year = {2023} }