@article{oai:ynu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000248, author = {Andrey, Baydin and Kenji, Hayashida and Takuma, Makihara and Fuyang Tay and Xiaoxuan, Ma and Wei, Ren and Guohong Ma and G., Timothy, Noe, II and Ikufumi Katayama and Jun, Takeda and Hiroyuki, Nojiri and Shixun, Cao and Motoaki, Bamba and Junichiro, Kono}, issue = {1}, journal = {Physical Review Research}, month = {Mar}, note = {Depending on the relative rates of coupling and dissipation, a light-matter coupled system is either in the weak- or strong-coupling regime. Here, we present a unique system where the coupling rate continuously increases with an externally applied magnetic field while the dissipation rate remains constant, allowing us to monitor a weak-to-strong coupling transition as a function of magnetic field. We observed a Rabi splitting of a terahertz magnon mode in yttrium orthoferrite above a threshold magnetic field of ∼14 T. Based on a microscopic theoretical model, we show that with increasing magnetic field the magnons transition into magnon polaritons through an exceptional point, which will open up new opportunities for in situ control of non-Hermitian systems.}, title = {Magnetically tuned continuous transition from weak to strong coupling in terahertz magnon polaritons}, volume = {5}, year = {2023} }